Prophecies and Promises

The current message series is looking at Old Testament lessons from the Lectionary and identifying prophecies and promises that we find there. (The Lectionary is a three-year set of readings for the church that we follow most of the time.)
God’s prophets were people He chose to deliver messages, to look ahead at what was going to happen, and to remind people of who He was and what He was all about. Prophets did foretell the future, but they also spoke His truth, often in difficult situations. Many of the prophecies that are recorded in the Old Testament were fulfilled in Jesus through His birth, life, death, and resurrection. The gift of the Spirit was the fulfillment of prophecy in Joel. Some of what was prophesied is yet to take place.

For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

The prophets’ words are also full of promise! God’s promises to provide, to care, to save, to restore, and many many more! We can rely on God’s promises; we know He does not fail!To rely on God’s prophecies and promises, we need to understand them which can only happen through the faithful study of His word. And knowing the God who fulfills His promises, we can share His love and truth with other people.

You are encouraged to be faithful in worship and study of God’s word – even in the summer months! And to share what you know with people in your neighborhood. That might mean people who live nearby, but it can also be “neighbors” in your place of work, your school, or others whom you know through community activity, common interests, or other ways in which our lives intersect with others.
You are also encouraged to be involved in the ministry of the church and there many ways to do that. VBS needs volunteers; so do other ministries. There are projects around the facility – maintenance jobs like cleaning, painting, changing light bulbs… Your financial support through tithes and offerings is also important.
Let’s be faithful to the God who was and is faithful toward us!
Relying on Him,
Pastor John