The Ongoing Reformation

As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, we remember all that was done in the past. But the Reformation is more than just historic events. These events had a dramatic impact on the church and Western civilization. The effects of Luther’s theology of vocation, two kingdoms, and justification by faith extend through so many aspects of our world today it is impossible to overstate the importance of those sixteenth century reformers.
Luther and his colleagues changed the world. But to live out the legacy of Luther, we should recognize that our lives are different as a result. The ongoing Reformation means that we do more than celebrate past achievements. That was then, we live now. What more can be done? Plenty.
The Apostle Paul writes in Colossians 3 about serving the Lord. That happens in every aspect of our lives. When he says, “whatever you do…” he really means that.
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.
In our worship services for the month of November the messages series is “Act Now.” These final weeks of the church year are particularly focused on the return of Jesus. And the underlying message in the scriptures we will use is to be ready for that day.
Marketing professionals want people to respond to their advertising – most often to make a purchase. They encourage that by including words like “Act Now”, “Today Only” or “While Supplies Last.” God encourages us to “Act Now” to be ready for Jesus’ return by responding to the Gospel, living by the faith we receive, and putting that faith into action. Act Now – live the life that God calls you to live; be ready for the return of Jesus!
Continuing the Reformation,
Pastor John