Boundless God

When you read of the miracles of Jesus, do you wonder how they happened? Did they take place just as the authors recount the scene? Did Jesus really heal the sick, feed the crowd, walk on water, cast out demons, calm the storm, and raise the dead? Many of the miracles of Jesus seem unreasonable to us.
That’s just it, the miracles of Jesus are unreasonable. His power is boundless. His abilities have no limit that is subject to what we can understand or interpret as reasonable.
This month our message series is Boundless God. We will explore some miracles of Jesus and what they say about His power. And what they say about our understanding and expectations.
Sometimes we limit what we expect God can do. So we ask for little instead of asking to be blown away by God’s power at work in our lives. As God’s people we should believe and trust in Him beyond the limits of reason or what makes sense. Let’s build that kind of faith together as we grown in our understanding of our boundless God.
Now to  him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think,  according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Trusting beyond reason!
Pastor John