All Things New

Do you love that new car smell? I’m not sure what it is about a new vehicle that smells that way. Is it the upholstery, the carpet, the plastics, adhesives, and various materials that give it that specific odor? People have tried to make air fresheners that have that smell so people who don’t have a new car can still drive something that smells new.
How about a new outfit? Do you enjoy wearing clothes that are new? I enjoy clothes that are new to me even if I found them at a thrift store. Many people were dressed in new outfits on Easter Sunday including my family.
We enjoy new things because they are new. New technology and gadgets; new opportunities; new relationships; the list goes on and on. Most of us don’t like change but is that because we don’t want to let go of the old ways, places and things?
As we continue our celebration of Easter, we are using the series, All things New.
Easter makes all the difference. The empty tomb changed our reality, our future, our present. We have hope. We have been reconciled to God. The victory over sin, death, and the devil is ours through faith in Christ. The “spoils” of that victory are ours in Jesus too: new life, a new heart, a new vision, a new reality… We are new!
Romans 6:4
We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.
This newness is more than a smell or an outfit. We are made new from the inside out. We live a new life. We can love in from a new heart. The new car smell fades. Clothes become worn. Our newness is everlasting!
Celebrating being NEW!
Pastor John