
As the calendar turns to December we turn our attention to the celebration of Christmas. You can’t miss it; it’s everywhere. Street signs and light poles get special wreaths or banners. There are decorated trees and houses in neighborhoods and city squares. Red kettles and bell ringers will be on corners and at the exit doors of places you visit. Retail stores have had their decorations and other items on sale for a month.

This season in the church calendar is Advent. It is a time during which we look forward to Christmas but there is more in view. We also look to Christ’s return at His second coming. Prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus was born. Other prophets’ words are still waiting for the ultimate fulfillment in Christ. The Kingdom of God arrives in its fullness with the presence of Christ. 

Matthew 11:4-5 Jesus answered them, “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and lthe poor have good news preached to them.

His glorious return will mean the complete restoration of all things. We will be face to face with God again. There will be complete peace on earth that we cannot begin to imagine at this point. The dead will be raised imperishable. And all who believe in Jesus will enter into everlasting blessing: no more pain; no more tears; no more sorrow…

So we look forward to Jesus’ arriving. We make preparations. We exalt His name in anticipation of His second advent. We celebrate when He arrived as the newborn King.

While we wait we keep watch. We do the things that He calls us to do. We share the joy and faith that we have in Christ. We extend the Kingdom as we connect people to Jesus! That way more and more people can look in faith and wait for His arriving!
Looking forward, Pastor John