
With the beginning of March, we also begin our annual journey through the season of Lent. The root of the word Lent has to do with the days getting longer this time of year. But … Continue reading >Tested


You’ve probably heard the expression, “it’s the simple things.” There’s a common principle called KISS, “Keep It Simple Stupid.” At least that’s how I learned it, though there are probably gentler ways of saying it. There … Continue reading >Simple


As the calendar turns to December we turn our attention to the celebration of Christmas. You can’t miss it; it’s everywhere. Street signs and light poles get special wreaths or banners. There are decorated trees … Continue reading >Arriving


November is associated with Thanksgiving and gratitude toward God for all that we have. In that theme our series for the month is “Blessed.” Sometimes we lose sight of our blessings. We get caught up … Continue reading >Blessed


This month will mark fifteen years since an event that altered the course of the nation. I’m referring of course to September 11, a date is tied to the events that happened in 2001 in … Continue reading >Remember