
November is associated with Thanksgiving and gratitude toward God for all that we have. In that theme our series for the month is “Blessed.”

Sometimes we lose sight of our blessings. We get caught up in our busyness, our circumstances, our challenges and we focus on the negative. We get used to the things that we have, to our relationships, our careers, and so many aspects of our lives that we take them for granted. We sometimes fail to recognize the blessings that we have because we narrow the meaning of blessing to what we enjoy or is comfortable.

But when we pause and consider our lives we see that our blessings are abundant. We have certain hope for eternity in God’s presence. We have faith in Jesus on whom our hope is founded. We have the Spirit in our hearts. We have relationships with others. Most have more than enough material blessings. We have opportunities and plenty to enjoy.

We face challenges and we feel stress. But even in those times we can consider our blessings and realize that God can work through those things to shape us and build our faith. 

Psalm 84:12 O LORD of hosts,  blessed is the one who trusts in you!

You and I are blessed. This month we will recognize and celebrate our blessings and give thanks to God through whom we are truly blessed!

Feeling blessed indeed,
Pastor John