Olive has a mission – to connect people to Jesus. That’s what we are
about. It says so in our publications, on our website, and we talk about
it regularly. It’s the mission of the whole church in fact, as Jesus
commissioned His disciples just before His ascension.
Matthew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” |
So, how do we do that? It begins with relationships. We already know people who need to know Jesus. Pray with people. Share with those who have needs. Be a good friend or neighbor and extend the love of Christ.
We also work to get involved in the community and extend the mission of the church to people around us. This week we have two opportunities to do that. First is a service event that is actually on the last day of April.
If you haven’t yet, sign up to help at Burnett Elementary or near the church campus. Work with people and get to know them. People from the community will be working on these projects – invite them to church.
The next opportunity is on May 5 at the prayer event that the local churches are also sponsoring. This is a time of gathering with other Christians from the community to pray about many things: the needs of our nation; our schools; the growth of our community; and many more. You are encouraged to pray with people locally while others pray across the country. Important note: this event is at the New Vision Church campus on Montague Expressway.

We have many other ways through which we can be involved in the community, meet people, and introduce them to the Savior whose grace and love has changed our lives and our eternity. Sometimes we plant the seed; sometimes we encourage and help it grow; sometimes we are there for the harvest. Continue to serve your Savior and work on the mission He has given.
Serving with you,
Pastor John