Facing the Giants

Like another recent series, I’m borrowing the title from a film. The movie follows the coach of a football program at a small high school. The coach and team struggled, but came together through persistence and faith. Like many sports related movies, it has a David-vs-Goliath plot that is the inspiration for its title.

During our worship services through April, we will use this title for our theme as well. As we do, we will explore some of the “giants” that we face: doubt, despair, discouragement, obstacles… things that make our lives as complicated as we know they are.

Where do we turn when we face our Giants? There are myriad options for us; what should we choose? As Thomas was overcome with doubt about the resurrection of Jesus, he needed Jesus to bring him back. When Peter was discouraged after denying Jesus, he needed to be restored. As we face any obstacle in our lives, we can find help and strength through faith in our risen Savior.

The theme verse for the series is John 16:33:

John 16:33  I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.  In the world you will have  tribulation. But take heart;  I have overcome the world.

We will have trouble. We will face giants. But we can turn to the One who has overcome the world, who defeated death and the grave, and who offers us grace. He will give us strength. He will be our peace.

Taking heart through trials,
Pastor John