Foolish Love

February 14 will be a bit different this year. That date brings to mind hearts and flowers and various shades of red and pink lining at least one aisle at the store. Stuffed bears holding balloons will be on display near the registers. Yes Valentine’s Day is on that date. But this year the same day will mean something quite different. It is also Ash Wednesday which is the beginning of the season of Lent.
Our Sunday message series for Lent is Foolish Love. We will consider the folly of the cross, the love of God, and how we receive that love from Him. Lent is a season of reflection and we will consider our sinfulness in the light of Christ’s love.
 the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Lent is also a season of sacrifice. The words disciple and discipline have the same root. As Christ followers, disciples, practicing discipline and self control is helpful. A tradition during the season is to give something up as an act of discipline. What we choose to give up should be something sacrificial that will be missed. I could give up eating Brussels sprouts for the season, but I haven’t had them in a long time.


The last two years my family has observed Rice and Beans Month during March. This program is through Lahash International and can also be done for Lent. Some families joined us last year for an introductory potluck and also ate some meals that were primarily simple beans and rice dishes. The idea is to eat in solidarity with much of the world – by eating what they eat – and to send the money that is saved to the organization so they can feed those hungry people.

This year we are going to have a Rice and Beans Lent. Probably not every meal from Ash Wednesday to Easter, but for some part of these forty days, we will eat simply and remember others who have less. We will discipline ourselves and support them. You are invited to join us in this journey. You can learn more about Lahash and the Rice and Beans program here.  We will have some information available too.

Blessings in Jesus,
Pastor John