In the Kingdom

We often hear the word Kingdom and think of castles and walls, political boundaries and royalty. When it comes to the kingdom of God, what does this word mean?

This month our message series is entitled, In the Kingdom, and we will focus on what the Kingdom of God is about, what it means for us to be part of it, and how our lives are lived in His kingdom. 

Luke 12:31 Seek His kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.

I know how to seek. All three of our children enjoyed playing hide and seek. Sometimes we still play. Usually I’ve figured out their hiding places before too much time has passed. Sometimes I have pretended not to find them because I knew they would be disappointed if I found them so quickly. Other times they hid so well I gave up looking and had to ask them to come out. But seeking the kingdom of God isn’t about finding something that is hidden from us. We are invited into this kingdom. Seeking it is about pursuing what God desires for us.

Life in the Kingdom is about serving the King. We live under the rule and reign of the King of the Universe. That citizenship has great privileges but also responsibilities.

Be in worship each week as we consider what it means to seek first His kingdom and live as citizens of that Kingdom.

Living in the Kingdom,
Pastor John