Life in the World

We live in a complex world that creates stress. Current events such as massive flooding in the South, wildfires in several states including ours, protests and counter-protests, terrorism, violence and the potential threats of escalating war in Asia and the Middle East contribute to feelings of uneasiness.
Further complicating our lives are the things that occupy our minds and weigh on our shoulders: finances, relationships, heath, busy schedules, traffic, and more.
But as followers of Jesus we are to be “in the world, but not of the world.” See John 17:16-18 below. In a prayer not long before His crucifixion, Jesus prays for His disciples. He prays that we, included as future disciples of Jesus, would not be of the world. What does that mean for how we live? For how we make decisions? For what we prioritize? For dealing with the stressors? For relating to others? And so on…
They [Jesus’ followers] are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. 18 As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.
This month our message series is Life in the World. We will explore what God’s Word teaches us for living balanced lives that can make an impact. Not all of us can change the whole world, but each of us can make a difference for ourselves, our families, our friends, and our neighbors.
Truly living the way that God’s word teaches means we will love, even when it’s hard; we will submit even when we want to rebel; we will forgive even when we want to retaliate; and we align our priorities and expectations with God’s desires for us. We are not of the world. But we are sent into the world to live for Him and bring glory to His name.
Living in the World,
Pastor John