Looking Forward

I remember the anticipation of Christmas from when I was a child. I see the same excitement in my own kids. Even with the spread in their ages, they each get excited about Christmas. For the gifts, of course. But also for the celebration, the gatherings, the special events, the food… What makes you most excited as we get closer to Christmas?
The month of December is filled with the Advent Season in the cycle of Christian celebrations. Before we get to Christmas and the celebration of Jesus’ birth we have a season during which we anticipate His return. Christmas is all around us, all the time, this time of year. The return of Jesus is less apt to be in the front of our minds. But we can be excited about that too!
When Jesus returns, He will fulfill the promises that were made concerning the end of time. Creation will be restored to God’s original plan. Judgment will happen, but everyone who believes will be invited into the presence of God for eternity!
He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.
Through November we considered the return of Jesus from the preparation standpoint. In December we will celebrate what God has already done for us, while we anticipate what He will do! The last verses in the Bible are in Revelation 22. He promises to come soon. John responds, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” That is our response too. We look forward to His return. We anticipate the celebration that will last for eternity.
Looking ahead to Christmas, and the return of Jesus,
Pastor John