Jesus Heals
January 30, 2022

Jesus Heals

Passage: Luke 4:31-44

Actions Speak Louder than Words

  • Words without actions are meaningless
  • Deeds without words can be confusing
  • The authority of Jesus is demonstrated in word and deed (Luke 4:32)

Jesus Heals

  • We are all infected (Jeremiah 17:9)
  • Jesus spoke words of healing (Luke 4:35, 39a)
  • His touch made people well (Luke 4:40)
  • He healed body, soul, and mind

Seek Jesus (Luke 4:42)

  • Be healed (Jeremiah 17:14)
  • Serve the Lord (Luke 4:39b)
  • Proclaim the Good News (Luke 4:37)

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