Do Your Duty

October 9, 2022
Life Involves Responsibilities We have roles to fulfill Each role has expectations Share in Suffering (2 Timothy 2:3) Paul suffered for the Gospel (2 Timothy 2:10) Jesus suffered for all…

Increase Our Faith

October 2, 2022
It only takes a spark Every fire is ignited (2 Timothy 1:5) Faith is ignited by the Spirit of God (1 Corinthians 12:3) Even a small faith is powerful (Luke…

Family Matters

September 18, 2022
The Sin of a Son The younger son was careless (Luke 15:12) Rock bottom is a lonely place (Luke 15:16) Repentance is humbling (Luke 15:18-19) The Hope of the Father…

Lost and Found

September 11, 2022
Lost It’s easy to end up lost Everyone wanders (1 Timothy 1:13) The Search is On No one looks for what is already found (Luke 15:4) The goal is restoration…

When Jesus Plans the Party

September 4, 2022
Who is invited? We are often selective in our relationships The kingdom is inclusive (Luke 14:13) Where should we sit? Status feels important (Luke 14:7) Be humble (Luke 14:11) Come…

Do the Right Thing

August 28, 2022
The Right Thing can be hard to choose Temptation surrounds us It can be difficult to tell what is right We are often self-serving Jesus Did the Right Thing He…

Steps of Faith

August 14, 2022
Walk the Road Less Traveled The journey of faith can be difficult (Hebrews 11:17-18) Faith focuses on the future (Hebrews 11:39) The hard path can feel lonely We Don’t Walk…

Don’t Worry

August 7, 2022
Worry Weighs on Us Life is complicated (Luke 12:22) Concerns consume our attention Our minds are divided (Luke 12:25) The Promise of Provision God meets our needs (Luke 12:28) His…

Things Above

July 31, 2022
What’s On Your Mind? Our focus is personal (Luke 12:18) Our desires are influenced by the world (Colossians 3:5) A Mind Renewed Our death and resurrection (Colossians 2:12) Put off…