Lost and Found

September 22, 2019
Lost and Wandering We sometimes wander We don’t always realize we are lost (1 Tim. 1:13) Search and Rescue Jesus told parables about searching for the lost (Luke 15:3-4) Jesus…

Walk This Way

September 8, 2019
Walk This Way The Bible describes ‘two ways’ (Deut. 30:15) We sometimes choose our own way (Deut. 30:17) Carry Your Cross Jesus carried His cross for us We follow Jesus…

Walk the Line

September 1, 2019
Toe the Line “Religion” often equates to following rules God’s commands are for us There were expectations of Jesus (Luke 14:1) Cross the Line Jesus rarely did what was expected…

Enter Here

August 25, 2019
The Doors A door can lock out (Luke 13:25) A door provides access Issues with the Narrow Door Our focus is wrong We let ourselves get too big We think…
The Weight of Worry Worry doesn’t work (Luke 12:25) Stress is destructive We worry anyway God Cares for You His eye is on the sparrow (Luke 12:24) He has given…
All is Vanity! We can be occupied with our occupations! (Eccl. 2:23) We place priority on possessions What is the bottom line? (Mark 8:36) Eat, drink, and be merry… Eccl…

God is Good

July 28, 2019
When life... ... seems unfair ... is scary ... changes ... feels sad ... is good ... God is Good

Too Hard for God?

July 21, 2019
The Waiting is the Hardest Part Abraham and Sarah had been promised a son (Gen. 15:4-6) How do we react to unfulfilled promises? You Can Go Your Own Way Abraham…

Who’s Your Neighbor?

July 14, 2019
What Must I Do ? Luke 10:25 Our concerns are often self-focused There is no minimum requirement for eternal life Luke 10:27 Who is my Neighbor? Luke 10:29 The man…

Big and Little

July 7, 2019
  Text is based on Psalm 8 How majestic is our Lord ? The Lord  has established strength over our enemy . He have set His  glory above the heavens.…