The Sabbath was made for man God demonstrated rest for us God commanded His people to rest Restless people have a hard time resting Rest Rest brings restoration Find rest…
The Revelation of Holiness Isaiah had a vision of God's glory God's holiness exceeds our understanding The Realization of Sinfulness Sinners cannot be in the presence of God Each of…
Just Do It Obedience can be coerced We sometimes obey from fear Rebellion happens Jesus was Obedient He lived a perfect life He followed God's plan in death His obedience…
You are a Child of God Through faith in Christ He has claimed you God loves His children God's children are Victorious! Through Christ we overcome the World We are…
God is Love Jesus was sent for us We need not fear God Abides in Us He has given us His Spirit We confess that Jesus is the Son of…
The Love of God God's love is unique! God's love is for all! We know love through Jesus God's love is unconditional! Live in His Love Receive the Love of…
What do you think of when you hear the word "missionary?" Why does the idea of being a neighborhood missionary make us so nervous? We have gotten something very simple…

Foolish Faith

April 8, 2018
Tangible Evidence is Irrefutable Experience shapes our understanding Thomas wanted to see and touch Jesus The first Christians all saw the risen Christ Faith means believing the Unseen The Spirit…
Looking for Jesus Everyone expected Jesus to be in the tomb Come and see Love is Alive Jesus overcame death We are alive in Christ for eternity We already have…