Changes in Life are Challenging We might face the unexpected (Matthew 1:18) We fear the unknown We mourn our losses We try to Find a Way Forward Our response shows…
The Challenge of Patience It is hard to wait Enduring suffering is difficult People can provoke us (James 5:9) The Lord is Compassionate and Merciful (James 5:11) He is patient…
Hope can be fleeting Everyone needs hope The world searches for it Hope is hard in the darkness Hope in God Scripture encourages our hope (Romans 15:4) God gives endurance…
Walking the Easy Way (Matthew 7:13) Following the crowd is easy It’s easy to go the wrong direction Let’s Climb the Mountain (Isaiah 2:3) Enter the House of the Lord…

Remember Me

November 20, 2022
Things remembered It feels good to be remembered Our memories are complicated Some things we’d prefer to forget Our most embarrassing moment(s) Our hurts and traumas Our sins (Psalm 25:7)…

God Chose You

November 6, 2022
God Calls Moses wasn’t looking for God (Exodus 3:1) God called Moses from the burning bush (Exodus 3:4) God speaks to us by His Spirit God Chose You for His…
We Need the Mercy of God God’s Holiness demands perfection (Romans 3:19) We are far from perfect (Romans 3:23) We cannot overcome our sinful condition God Gives Grace for Our…

Humble Yourself

October 23, 2022
The Error of Arrogance We tend to be self-reliant (Luke 18:9) We compare ourselves to others (Luke 18:11) We overestimate our goodness (Luke 18:12) The Honesty in Humility We are…

Stand Firm on the Word

October 16, 2022
Our Itching Ears People like to hear what they already believe (2 Timothy 4:3) We resist confrontation (Isaiah 30:9-11) God’s Powerful Word (2 Timothy 3:16) Declares who God is Demonstrates…