Patience and Prayer

September 26, 2021
All We Need is Just a Little Patience (James 5:8) In suffering (James 5:11) For the Lord to act (James 5:7) With other people (James 5:9) Like the prophets (James…

Be Humble

September 19, 2021
The Problem of Pride Ambition is admired Our passions can create problems (James 4:1-2) The Humiliation of Jesus Jesus understood His mission (Mark 9:31) The Son of God died for…

Watch Your Mouth

September 12, 2021
Just Sayin’ Words have meaning The same mouth utters blessing and curse (James 3:9-10a) The forest is burning (James 3:5) Just Words The Word became flesh (John 1:14) Hear the…

Faith that Works

September 5, 2021
Faith Comes by Hearing (Romans 10:17) Hear the word of the Lord (James 1:21b) Believe what you hear (Isaiah 55:11) Faith Leads to Love We love because He loved us…

Faith Under Fire

August 29, 2021
Facing Trials Suffering should not be surprising (1 Peter 4:12) Our issues are not identical Count it All Joy (James 1:2) Life is the Laboratory (James 1:3) Be made perfect…