God is in ControlHis will is done in heaven (Rev. 19:6)His will is done on earth (Daniel 2:21)God anoints the King (Isaiah 45:1)Cyrus seems like an unlikely choice (Is. 45:2-4)Jesus…

The Feast

October 11, 2020
A Feast is PreparedThere is an abundance provided (Isaiah 25:6)It is a celebration (Isaiah 25:7-8)The Invitations are sentThe feast is for all people (Isaiah 25:6)Some choose not to attendOthers try…
The Vineyard is a Pleasant PlantingGod creates and provides (Isaiah 5:1-2)The Owner has expectations (Isaiah 5:2)What more could be done? (Isaiah 5:4a)We second guess our failed effortsGod has already done…