Are You the One?

December 22, 2019
Expectations of Jesus People expect Jesus to be many things John wondered if Jesus was the one (Matt. 11:3) Who Was Jesus? His identity is shown by his action (Matt.…

How Can this Be?

December 15, 2019
Honest Doubt Mary wondered at the message of the angel (Luke 1:29, 34) We have good questions too Nothing is Impossible with God (Luke 1:37) The angel answered Mary’s questions…

Who Warned You?

December 8, 2019
The Kingdom is Coming (Matt. 3:2) John was preparing people for Jesus (Matt. 3:3) Are you ready? Warning Signs (Isaiah 11:4) The Wrath of God is real (Matt. 3:10) We…

Who is This?

December 1, 2019
Curiosity leads to Questions Some questions are more important than others The crowd around Jesus created curiosity Important questions demand answers Who is Jesus? (Matt. 21:10) The crowd knew something…
Attention on the Temporary Disciples were looking at the temple (Luke 21:5) Our focus can be directed toward things of the world The Signs of the Times Jesus described the…

The Presence of God

November 10, 2019
Mind Your Own Business Where is your focus? (Exodus 3:1) Business and busyness are great distractions God is Present God's presence might surprise us (Exodus 3:2) God introduced Himself to…
Zacchaeus was a wee little man Sometimes we feel small and unimportant We can overreact to our limitations He Climbed up in a Sycamore Tree (Luke 19:4) He overcame his…

The Presence of Grace

October 27, 2019
Life under the Law God’s Law is written on our hearts (Romans 2:15) We fail to keep the commandments (John 8:34) We deserve God’s wrath The Gift of Grace Luther…

Do Your Duty

October 13, 2019
Kudos and Credit We desire recognition for what we do We easily overestimate our effort (Luke 17:7) We are Unworthy Servants (Luke 17:10) Our sins separate us from God We…