Who’s Your Neighbor?

July 14, 2019
What Must I Do ? Luke 10:25 Our concerns are often self-focused There is no minimum requirement for eternal life Luke 10:27 Who is my Neighbor? Luke 10:29 The man…
Confidence in Accomplishment Our culture celebrates self-sufficiency We place trust in other people We find security in our safety nets Confidence in Chaos is Harder Pentecost was a chaotic event…
Blessed are those who keep the prophecy Revelation 22:7 Prepare for the return of Jesus Worship God Remain faithful through tribulation Blessed are those who wash their robes Revelation 22:12,…
First things First In the Beginning… Genesis 1:1 The first people interacted with God Life was perfect Living in a Broken World Sin separates us from God Isaiah 59:2 Creation…
The Crowd of the White Washed Crowds can be chaotic Which Crowd are you in? The Multitude Washed White The Crowd in heaven worships Jesus Revelation 7:9-12 Who are these…
Encountering the Unexpected The disciples weren’t ready for the resurrection John’s vision was shocking Revelation 1:13-16 What do we expect? Jesus is Alive! He died, but is alive forevermore! Revelation…
Alone and Afraid Jesus died Luke 24:1 The disciples were in hiding Life can leave us lonely You are Not Your Own You were bought with a price 1 Corinthians…
Here Comes the King! Rejoice! Zechariah 9:9 God takes care of His people We shout Hosanna as the King arrives Psalm 118:25-26 He is the King of Peace He is…