What is under the surface? We try to look good on the outside (Luke 11:39-40) Real life is messy What is written in the sand? The woman was guilty (John…


March 6, 2022
Who are You? Our Identity is More than our Doing What we do flows from who we are Who we are becoming is related to how we spend our time…
Sometimes we miss the mark Christians have a reputation What is our aim? Hear these words (Matthew 7:24a) Listen to Jesus (Matthew 17:5) Listen and learn Put them into practice…

See Jesus

February 20, 2022
See Jesus Revealed Did the disciples almost miss it? (Luke 9:32) The disciples saw Jesus’ glory! We recognize the splendor of His majesty (John 1:14) Look to Jesus It is…

Love Like Jesus

February 13, 2022
Jesus Lived a life of Love He loved all (John 3:16) He gave everything away (Philippians 2:6-7) He laid down his life, even for his enemies (Romans 5:8) Love Your…

Gone Fishing

February 6, 2022
Mind your business (Luke 5:2) The fishermen were at work Much time and energy are devoted to our work At Your Word (Luke 5:5) Simon agreed to let down the…

Jesus Heals

January 30, 2022
Actions Speak Louder than Words Words without actions are meaningless Deeds without words can be confusing The authority of Jesus is demonstrated in word and deed (Luke 4:32) Jesus Heals…
Jesus Fulfills the Word The Bible is full of Promises from God (Joshua 21:45) All the promises of God are Yes in Him(2 Corinthians 1:20) He announces the fulfillment of…
Perfect Plans and Possibilities We want everything to be perfect We plan for what we expect (John 2:3) Where do you turn in time of need? Observation and Obedience The…
Following We all enjoy tradition and habits (Luke 2:41-42) We learn to follow the rules (Luke 2:51) We often go with the crowd (Luke 2:43) Lost and Found Jesus was…