
This month will mark fifteen years since an event that altered the course of the nation. I’m referring of course to September 11, a date is tied to the events that happened in 2001 in the collective memory of the country. It is a date that students learn in school for the things that happened in New York, Washington, and a field in Pennsylvania. Tragic things. Evil things.

It is good to remember so that the events will not be repeated.

It’s a day that changed the course of my life too. While I had thought of becoming a pastor before, that day, and the response of the nation afterward, were influential in the timing of when I entered the seminary. People need Jesus. It was obvious then. People went to church to look for answers.

Even though the evil that exists in the world was clearly evident on September 11, 2001, God was and still is in charge. He is in control. The Kingdom that we have been talking about for the last several weeks is His. He is the King.

This September 11, we will remember. We will remember the day that evil was evident. But we will do it with recognition that our King reigns. We will pray, “Thy kingdom come” because we mean it. We want the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 

1 Chronicles 16:31 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, “The LORD reigns!”

Our God reigns on His throne. He reigns in our hearts as well. We can serve our King though how we live and by how we remember Him and recognize His work among us.

On 9/11, we will also invite people who still need Jesus to join us for a day of fun. The date is the same, but the focus of the Community Kickoff is about building the kingdom of God in the lives of people whom we can connect to Him. More information about the event is below.

Serving the King,
Pastor John