
Our current message series is entitled Share. We are called by God to share of His grace and love. We share the Gospel of Jesus, according to His plan for His people. We share of our resources – the gifts He has given us. We share our own stories, with one another and with other people, of what God is doing in our lives. We share joy. We share in suffering.

For those who use social media, the idea of sharing is quite common. We share stories, life events, pictures, opinions, ideas, online resources, news items, and many more things simply by clicking a button or typing a few lines of text. Our series logo is similar to the icon that some use for that. The icon shows an arrow coming from a box. From what is ours, what is being shared is sent out to others.

Life is more than social media, but sharing is similar. From what is ours, what is being shared is given to others. From our lives, we share stories, ideas or thoughts. From our resources, we share what we have.

Sharing doesn’t always come naturally. But we are able to share through the power of the Spirit living within us. The church was born at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out and the early believers were suddenly changed into powerful witnesses for Jesus. That witness included sharing words, and what they had.

Acts 2:44-45  All who believed were together and  had all things in common. And  they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.

As we grow in Christ, we will live the way the Spirit of God directs us. We will grow in kindness, patience, and love. We will be able to share, without worrying about protecting our resources. We will be able to speak boldly of the Gospel of Christ, especially how it has changed our lives and our eternity. We will share, because that is how the church grows.

Sharing with you,
Pastor John