Share The Love

Through the recent message series “Foolish Love” we have reflected on the love of God in Christ given to the world. We celebrate that love in full on Easter, April 1. The resurrection of Jesus is the event that changed eternity for all who believe. Later this month we will begin our next series considering the Love of God described in 1 John.

As followers of Jesus we have a desire, and a commission, to share that love. The Spirit works in us to will and to act according to His good pleasure. And Jesus commissioned His apostles, his “sent ones,” to go and share the good news, by baptizing and teaching (Matthew 28).

Sometimes that is hard to do. We have our own fears about feeling foolish, saying the wrong thing, being misunderstood, offending someone… We sometimes feel like we are not equipped with all the right words or understanding. We feel inadequate to be messengers of something so important. We weigh our struggles and sinfulness and wonder if we qualify to speak about a holy God. We don’t want to say the wrong thing, so we don’t say anything. Have you struggled that way too? Have you felt the regret of a missed opportunity?
Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV) 
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

As part of the Vision process we recognized shifts within our culture that affect the mission of the church. Culture has shifted away from trust in institutions and resists engaging in organized “religion.” Our culture has moved toward more informal gatherings, meetups, and prioritized personal relationships. In addition, social media and virtual connections have enabled influence beyond physical limits. At the same time people are feeling more isolated than ever.

We have a desire and commission to share the good news of Jesus and people need to hear it. We have a congregational mission statement to “Connect people to Jesus.” So how can we do these things? Does it require going to a mission field somewhere or becoming a pastor or professional church worker? Not at all. Everyone has the opportunity and can share in the love of Christ in his or her own way.

To help us learn and grow in our abilities to connect people to Jesus, we are enlisting the help of Pastor Greg Finke. The box below describes Dwelling 1:14, his organization, that trains people to be everyday missionaries. Be there on April 14 to learn some practical strategies for sharing the love of Christ in your neighborhood, where you work or go to school, and even among your own family. Lunch and childcare will be provided and there is no cost to attend. Find the link below and sign up today!

Hope to see you there,
Pastor John