
Mount Olive has an electronic sign on the lawn that allows us to posts messages for those passing by. We use it to promote the various ministries of the church, extend an invitation to participate in worship or other activities, and offer a greeting. Recently I posted a Christmas greeting for anyone who would happen to read it.

We see signs all the time: road signs, advertisements, directional signs… the list is long. These signs can point us in a direction, help us find our way, give us needed information and more.

The message series for this season is “Signs.” We will consider signs that helped people find Jesus, signs that point to His identity, and how those signs impact us. How do we follow those same signs? How do we also point to Jesus so others can see Him?

Do you see God at work in Your life? in creation? in the world? Sometimes God’s action is hard for us to see. It would be nice to have an unusual star guiding the way or a bright red LED sign giving us the information.   

Matthew 2:9-10 … the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. 

But we are clouded by our own expectations and desires. We focus on some things while we ignore others. We miss seeing the signs because we aren’t looking in the right place.

When we see the signs of God, understand – by faith – what they mean, and follow them, our lives can be lived to His glory. We follow the signs and we get closer to Jesus by being obedient to Him, discerning His purpose for us, and serving Him in all that we do. We become signs for Christ as we point other people toward Him.

In this New Year make a resolution to follow Jesus. Follow the signs that bring you closer to Him. And display Jesus in your life so others can see Him in you. Need help with how to do that? Be in worship each week as we talk about the signs. Attend Bible Class and/or Sunday School. Join a small group or study the Bible on your own. Make 2016 a year of discipleship for you and your family.

Follow the Signs; Follow Jesus!
Pastor John