Tag: message series

Greater Than
In the sports world there is a running debate about the greatest player in the history of practically any sport. Whether its Michael Jordan or Lebron James in basketball, or Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus … Continue reading >Greater Than

As a group of gathered disciples, we often talk about faith. The “Lutheran question” from the Small Catechism is “what does this mean?” So we engage with God’s word to learn what it means and … Continue reading >Intersection

There is an adjustment setting on the television set or computer monitor that can raise or lower the contrast. Most of the time it is helpful to set the contrast fairly high. Doing so makes … Continue reading >Contrast

The More You Know
Since 1989, one of the major television networks has used this title for a public service announcement campaign. The first one was by Tom Brokaw and was about the education system in America. His introduction … Continue reading >The More You Know

Prophecy & Parables
Have you noticed threads that connect different parts of the Bible? There are so many that I often visualize scripture like a matrix of connected points, like a spider web where the intersections are the … Continue reading >Prophecy & Parables

The Obedience of Faith
We know that salvation is by faith alone. The New Testament is clear about that, especially Paul’s writings in Romans and Ephesians. In church history, however, that became confused. For some reason the idea that … Continue reading >The Obedience of Faith

Have you ever had limited expectations of God? I have. I’ll admit it, my reason often influences what I imagine God might do. In our current situation with the Coronavirus pandemic captivating so much of … Continue reading >Miracles