The Road to the Cross

Lent is a season of reflection built into the church calendar. It arrives every Spring as the trees are beginning to blossom and the days are getting longer. In fact the word “Lent” is connected to “lengthen” referring to the amount of daylight in each day. But the season is about reflecting on the suffering of Jesus and the reason we needed a Savior. The world was corrupted by sin and its effects. Death and decay are all around us. We needed to be rescued from that condition because there was no way for us to save ourselves. That’s why we needed, and still need, Jesus.

Jesus’ road to the cross was the focus of His life. Suffering and dying for us was His purpose. He came to seek and save that which was lost – all of humanity. We were dead in our trespasses and sins and His mercy was needed to save us.

This year, for the season of Lent, we will follow the Road to the Cross. Using Luke’s Gospel narrative each week, we will walk with Jesus. Through the events of Jesus’ last week before His crucifixion we can see some of the most important aspects of His ministry, His teaching, and His relationship with the disciples. We won’t quite read every word during the Wednesday evening services from Luke 19:41 – 22:46. But those parts we omit are related closely with sections we will read.

On Good Friday we will have a series of readings that take us from the arrest of Jesus through His crucifixion, death, and burial. Those readings are from Luke 22:47-23:56. Additional prophecies and Psalm readings that describe what Jesus would endure will be used to help us reflect on the meaning of that day.

This Lent season, walk the road of the cross with Jesus. Watch what was happening. Listen to Him. Feel the emotions of His followers. Reflect on what it means to you. You can prepare for the journey by reading through the narratives in Luke. Join the journey by being in worship for the midweek services – Wednesdays at 7pm beginning with Ash Wednesday on March 6 and continuing through April 10. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are April 18 and 19 and worship will be at 7pm on those days too.

Let’s walk with Jesus.

Pastor John