
There was a movie by this title released in 2014. It tells the story of Louis Zamperini an athlete at the 1936 Olympics and former POW in Japan during WWII. The movie portrays the harsh treatment he endured during his time as a prisoner. He suffered, even on behalf of fellow prisoners. Zamperini remained “unbroken” through the suffering and torture he experienced.

During the midweek Lent services we have used this title for our theme as well. The graphic above is even based on the movie poster. The story of Jesus also includes suffering as a prisoner on behalf of others. He remained unbroken in the face of torture and went to the cross, willingly, to suffer for us.

But the “unbroken” theme isn’t just about what Jesus endured for us. It extends to the outcome of Jesus’ suffering. He endured the cross for us, to give us a new identity. Our brokenness is restored in Him. Though we live in a broken and dying world, the gift of God’s grace in Christ brings the hope of restoration. We have been redeemed through His sacrifice.

Things get broken in the story of Jesus – a broken vessel, broken bread, broken trust, broken peace… the list is extensive. Through Jesus’ actions what is broken gets restored. The broken vessel of perfume offers an anointing for Him. The broken bread is His body. Broken trust is met with grace. Broken hearts are healed. Broken lives get restored.

1 Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.

Yes Jesus is making all things new, restoring what has been broken. We can come to Him with our brokenness to receive His forgiveness and grace. The remainder of the Wednesdays of Lent plus Holy Week worship services will dig deeper into the theme of Unbroken. You are encouraged to be in worship for these services.

Even more, we will celebrate the victory over brokenness on Easter Sunday, March 27. Jesus’ resurrection gives us the assurance that what was broken – including His body on the cross – will all be restored! This is the pinnacle of the Christian faith! We will have a special morning schedule on Easter with the sunrise service, breakfast, and the celebration of the resurrection.

Find your wholeness in Jesus,
Pastor John