I Feel Afraid

September 16, 2018
Fear Factor Some fears make sense Others are irrational Fear influences our actions We can turn to God in our fears God is with Us God found Gideon in the…

I Feel Lonely

September 9, 2018
Feelings Emotions are part of our experience How we feel isn't right or wrong Feelings influence our actions I Feel Lonely We can easily feel isolated Relationships are hard Never…

Ready for Battle

September 2, 2018
We are at War This is not conventional warfare Our original enemy is still fighting Be Ready for Battle Be Strong in the Lord Be Protected by His Armor Be…
God's Design Our Creator likes order God structured relationships All of Creation was affected by the Fall Christ's Love He gave Himself up for the church His love is the…

Walk This Way

August 19, 2018
Walk in Love You are loved You are forgiven God's Love changes who we are Walk as Children of Light Be imitators of God Do what pleases your Father Walk…

Old Made New

August 12, 2018
God has made you new. You were taught...to put off your old self...to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created…

Equipped to Build

August 5, 2018
We Need to Build There is only one project There is only one crew The project is incomplete We are Equipped for the Work God has given us the skills…
Running on Empty Life can get us down Our minds get filled with fear and worry We feel weak or overwhelmed We try to fill the gaps ourselves We need…


July 22, 2018
We Build Our Walls We draw lines between people Sin separates us from God Jesus Tears Walls Down He broke down the dividing wall of hostility He (re)opened our access…

Rescued by Jesus

July 15, 2018
Seeking the Savior Sometimes it's hard to see Jesus Take a look Keep seeking Him Jesus came to Seek and Save Jesus saw Zacchaeus Jesus offers forgiveness Jesus changes lives