God is Love Jesus was sent for us We need not fear God Abides in Us He has given us His Spirit We confess that Jesus is the Son of…
The Love of God God's love is unique! God's love is for all! We know love through Jesus God's love is unconditional! Live in His Love Receive the Love of…
What do you think of when you hear the word "missionary?" Why does the idea of being a neighborhood missionary make us so nervous? We have gotten something very simple…

Foolish Faith

April 8, 2018
Tangible Evidence is Irrefutable Experience shapes our understanding Thomas wanted to see and touch Jesus The first Christians all saw the risen Christ Faith means believing the Unseen The Spirit…
Looking for Jesus Everyone expected Jesus to be in the tomb Come and see Love is Alive Jesus overcame death We are alive in Christ for eternity We already have…
Anticipating His Arrival People were expecting a hero to arrive The crowd rejoiced for what they had seen Hidden behind Humility Jesus entered the city humbly Jesus came to bring…
Selfish Ambition We look out for Number One We leverage relationships for our benefit We seek positions of prominence We might overestimate our abilities Jesus Walked in Humble Obedience His…

Foolish Effort

March 11, 2018
God's Standard is Perfection God cannot tolerate sin We have not lived perfectly There is nothing we can do about it Jesus makes us Perfect by Grace We are saved…
The Wisdom of the World We are too smart for our own good We know less than we think The Foolishness of the Cross The message of the cross is…

Jesus Suffered

February 25, 2018
Everybody Hurts Life is hard Suffering shapes us Sin is a vicious cycle Jesus Suffered He was rejected Christ died for us It was God's will Rejoice in Suffering The…