Red Letter Challenge

The group Challenge is complete.

  • But if you’re still reading, or just getting started… Keep it up!
  • Grow in your faith by listening to Jesus’ words.
  • Apply those teachings to your life through the five targets.

Forty is a common number in scripture – it rained for forty days and nights during the Great Flood; Israel wandered the wilderness for forty years; Jesus was tempted for forty days… During the forty days of Lent we will use Red Letter Challenge to learn from Jesus and apply his teaching to our lives. Written by Zach Zehnder, a fourth generation Lutheran pastor, the book has readings and applications each day. The book is organized around five targets: being, forgiving, serving, giving and going. Jesus spent a lot of time teaching his disciples and speaking to the crowd about these targets. Following him sets us apart and through this season we will learn from Jesus what life as his disciple should look like.

Join us as we grow as disciples of Jesus through Red Letter Challenge.