Stories from the Holy Land

A group that included several people from Mount Olive visited the Holy Land this summer. For this study we’ll share stories of the sites that were visited, the impact that it made, the feelings we had, as we walked in the footsteps of Jesus. Though the stories are from those who were there, the class is for anyone – so you’re invited! The whole tour group has been invited to share. And if you’ve been there and have a memory, that’s welcome too. More than a slide show of where we were, the study will dig deeper into the places and experiences that made an impact on faith, understanding, or appreciation of the Biblical narrative.

Here’s an example: We visited an ancient city called Caesaria. There were at least two places with the name, and Jesus is not known to have ever been at this one along the Mediterranean Sea. But the Roman Theater was discovered, and in its excavation, a stone was found that had the name of Pontius Pilate on it. It was the first archaeological discovery that verified the existence of an important figure in the crucifixion narrative. While those who believe the Bible didn’t doubt he lived and actually did the things the Gospels describe, the physical, undeniable record of him as an important person – he had to be important to have his name engraved on the stone – verifies what we know.

Join us for more stories from the trip!
Sundays, following worship (approx. 10:30 am)
In person – in the CLC at Mount Olive
Via stream (click here for more details about joining the stream)
Class content will be posted for viewing later, details will be added to this post when they become available.