The Road to Recovery

On June 15, the State of California eliminated most of the restrictions and recommendations that we faced for months related to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Some easing had taken place in the months prior – from the state’s action as well as from court decisions regarding restrictions imposed on places of worship. The county also eliminated most of the burden that churches were under throughout the time COVID-19 was a more significant danger. Now that vaccines have been administered to the majority of the population, the rate of infection has dropped significantly, and even those who are getting sick are more likely to recover, we are able to gather without as much concern for the health and safety of ourselves and others.

Now what?

Now that we can resume life at least closer to what we remember as “normal,” what do we do? Many of us grew accustomed to social distancing, staying home, wearing a face covering, and avoiding other people. Now that we can gather and masks are optional (for the vaccinated), what can we do? what should we do?

Beginning July 11, a message series will consider how we recover, spiritually, following the pandemic. Our fears and concerns may be lingering. In some ways, our response to the pandemic has become habit. Our spiritual lives and confidence in God may have been impacted through these months of living differently. But we know this: God’s word is the source of our strength and the Spirit is our guide. Together we will navigate this unfamiliar territory and make our way on the road to recovery.

I hope you can be in worship – either in person or via the stream as we walk together.
Pastor John

1 Reply to “The Road to Recovery”

  1. Thank you for your encouraging words Pastor John. I have been attending various churches by live stream
    these last 16 months. Even if I slept in and missed early one there was a 2 Pm in Sacramento. Many
    opportunities to fellowship and worship online!!
    Blessings for your faithfulness!!


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