Remember the song lyric, “It’s the end of the world as we know it… and I feel fine” (REM, 1987)? It might feel like the end of the world. But, realistically, do most people feel … Continue reading >Signs of the Times
The game show, Concentration, aired years ago. Contestants would match images that were hidden behind tiles. As the images were matched, they would be removed to reveal a puzzle they then had to solve. The … Continue reading >Revealing Jesus
There is a favorite question that every toddler asks: “Why?” My mom had a t-shirt when I was younger that said “I’m the mom, that’s why” (And my dad had one too, but his said … Continue reading >The WHY of it All
In the sports world there is a running debate about the greatest player in the history of practically any sport. Whether its Michael Jordan or Lebron James in basketball, or Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus … Continue reading >Greater Than
As a group of gathered disciples, we often talk about faith. The “Lutheran question” from the Small Catechism is “what does this mean?” So we engage with God’s word to learn what it means and … Continue reading >Intersection
On June 15, the State of California eliminated most of the restrictions and recommendations that we faced for months related to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Some easing had taken place in the months prior – from … Continue reading >The Road to Recovery
There are several numbers that have meaning in the Bible — seven, three, twelve, forty… Often the way these numbers are used is consistent and provides insight into what is happening. Seven is a number … Continue reading >Forty
Click here for the latest video and links to previous weeks. Lent is a season of repentance and reflection on the meaning of the Death of Jesus. His Resurrection, which we celebrate on Easter, is … Continue reading >Lent Meditations